JUDr. Ing. Tomáš Malatinec, PhD.

Assistant Professor, Coordinator of International Relations


He is a graduate of doctoral studies in Public Administration and Regional Development at the Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development (Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra). He also completed the study programme European Studies at the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations (Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica), the study programme Law at the Faculty of Law (University of Trnava in Trnava) and additional pedagogical studies with a focus on the teaching of economic subjects. 

After graduation from doctoral studies, he worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Regional Sciences and Management, Faculty of Economics, Technical University in Košice. Later, he worked as head of the regional development and planning department at the Košice Self-Governing Region and then in law firms as a law clerk.

He has attended several foreign educational and lecture programmes, e.g. in Canada, India, Japan and Finland. He coordinated the VEGA research project "Perspectives of Green Public Procurement at Regional and Local Level" and the Erasmus+ European project "Public Procurement in the EU". His research activities mainly focus on public administration, law, finance and public development policies with a particular focus on local and regional development, investment promotion and public procurement. He is the author and co-author of several scientific articles published in national and international journals. He has been a member of research teams in several international educational projects. He actively participated in the EU Catching-up Regions Initiative (CuRI), which the Košice Self-Governing Region implemented in cooperation with the European Commission and the World Bank.


  • Ing., PhD. Public Administration and Regional Development, Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
  • JUDr. Law, Faculty of Law, UPJŠ in Košice

Professional focus

  • Law and public administration
  • Investment incentives and business support
  • Local and regional development