Study Program – Management in Tourism and Hospitality
Person responsible for the study program realization, development and quality:
doc. Ing. Katarína Stachová, PhD., univ. prof.
Persons providing the profile subjects of the study program:
doc. Ing. Katarína Stachová, PhD., univ. prof.; funkčné miesto profesora profile subjects: Human Resource Management, Innovation Management in Tourism and Hospitality, Organizational Culture, Intercultural Management.
doc. RNDr. PhDr. Oldřich Hájek, Ph.D., MBA; funkčné miesto docenta profile subjects: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Entrepreneurship in SMEs.
doc. PhDr. Michal Lukáč, PhD., Ed.D.; funkčné miesto docenta profile subjects: Marketing, Management of animation and leisure activities, Regional marketing, Guiding activity in tourism.
doc. Ing. Zdenko Stacho, PhD.; funkčné miesto docenta profile subjects: Fundamentals of management, Management and managerial competences, Entrepreneurship in SMEs, Communication skills.
Ing. Jana Černá, PhD.; funkčné miesto docenta profile subjects: Fundamentals of Tourism and Hospitality, Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality, Religious composition of Europe.
Results of creative activity of teachers providing profile subjects
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