Study Program Board

Rada pre ŠP IM

Study Program Board – Management in Tourism and Hospitality

The Study Program Board at the Institute of Management, University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava is the advisory body to the IM UCM director. The activities of the Study Program Board are the part of processes bound with the IM UCM internal quality system assurance. The Board activities ensure the achievement and continuous maintenance of study programs´ compliance with the Study program standards and the standards for the internal system of quality assurance at higher education, issued by the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (hereinafter as SAAVŠ) and the Internal quality system standards at UCM.

The Study Program Board, in compliance with the Regulation on study programs creation, adjustment and approval, the fields of Habilitation and Inauguration proceedings and the application submission to SAAVŠ:

  1. prepares the proposal to create a new study program,
  2. prepares the proposal to modify the existing study program,
  3. prepares the proposal to assess the alignment of the study program with valid standards,
  4. proposes the study program inactivation.

The Board in compliance with the Internal quality system assurance at UCM:

  1. receives and evaluates suggestions from all interested parties related to the study program implementation,
  2. proposes measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies,
  3. provides materials for the internal quality assessment report within the study program and proposes measures to increase the quality assurance.

Statute of the Study Programme Council


  • doc. Ing. Katarína Stachová, PhD., univ. prof. – predsedníčka Rady pre ŠP
  • PhDr. Jaroslava Gburová, PhD.
  • Ing. Lenka Mikle, PhD.


  • Matúš Štica

Alumni Representative

  • Bc. Dávid Balog – Absolvent UCM (Manažment v turizme a hotelierstve), r. 2022

Members of practice

  • Ing. Rastislav Amrich  – Asociácia hotelov a reštaurácií Slovenska
  • Michal Laurinc  – Hotel management

Other involved countries

  • Mgr. Michal Fajin, MBA, MPH, LL.M. – Prírodné jódové kúpele Číž
  • Ing. Eva Kozárová – Hotel Kaštieľ Mojmírovce
  • Ing. Alexander Prostinák – Trnava Tourism
  • Mgr. Lucia Buttková
  • Radoslav Rafaelis