The strength of the Institute of Management is the wide range of cooperating organizations, which significantly increase the quality, content and depth of knowledge offered to students, but furthermore the attractiveness of study programs and the possibility of carrying out mandatory internships during studies.
Collaborating organizations participate and significantly contribute to the high-quality equipment of the IM study environment (e.g. IBM computer classroom), for specific topics of lectures provide experts from practice, enable excursions and and encourage socially responsible behaviour and do more in the field of sustainability (e.g.: leisure activities for children from Ukraine and Slovak children from the Asylum home in Trnava, Clothes Swap in Baterkáreň, Books Swap in Podivný Barón in Púchov, Christmas Paw...).
Through partnerships and collaborations (in the form of concluded Memorandums on Cooperation), students as well as teachers have continuous contact with practice and new trends.