You will be guided through the tips and tricks how to manage your own business. You will learn how to work with people, probably the most important issue in this field. You will gain experience in the field of gastronomy if you wish to open own restaurant. You will be taught how to handle business finance, economic or accounting matters easily.
Lessons and word to word quotations from professional books are of no value if you are not able to use them in practice. During your studies you will solve real problems of specific companies directly with experts from practice, who have already gained expertise in the given field, they have learned, and they want to share with students, what is not possible to read from books, but only acquire through practice. No other university in Slovakia offers the Tourism and Hospitality Management study program in such scope, moreover:
Study program Management in Tourism and Hospitality provides graduates with a wide range of applicability not only in the field of tourism, but also in managerial positions at various companies and organizations. During the study, students can travel, know more about new cultures as a part of ERASMUS+ programs also gather practical experience in contracted tourism institutions or other selected organizations.
During the study the students gain the knowledge how to manage, develop and run the business in the field of tourism, how to lead employees of tourist attractions to committed work approach, how to create and develop ideas, but also gain the knowledge and practical skills in terms of introducing their own projects to life and verifying the sense of their ideas, or launching them to successful tourism practice. The students of IM UCM in Trnava have already implemented a number of projects, e.g. Clothes Swap in Baterkáreň, Book Swap in Podivni Baroni in Púchov, Coffee stop, Travel talk, TOP excursion in Hotel pod Lipou and many others.
Practice-oriented teaching leads to answer the questions as follows:
At the same time, the students get the answer to the most important question:
Study program Management in Tourism and Hospitality helps to fulfil the Strategic objectives of tourism development in Slovakia by securing qualified managers in this area.
The 1st degree graduate of the study program Management in Tourism and Hospitality: