Transfer of knowledge

Štúdium manažmentu UCM

Institute of Management is fully aware that knowledge transfer between academia, industry and the wider community is now seen as an essential driver of innovation and economic growth, regional development and societal progress.

Therefore, the Institute of Management not only creates appropriate conditions for the effective transfer of knowledge acquired by lecturers and students, but also pays full attention to the two-way sharing and implementation of knowledge, knowledge and results from academic research into economic and business practice. This achieves more effective partnership building between academia, research institutions, the secondary school environment, the tourism and hospitality sector, commercial enterprises, industry, the wider community and potential customers at local, national, international level, while enhancing the value proposition and the third role of the university.

Key activities of the Institute of Management in the field of knowledge transfer include:

  • active search for potential partners and their involvement in the educational process,
  • establishing closer cooperation with domestic and foreign academic, research, business and non-profit institutions,
  • coordinating activities with secondary schools and secondary school students,
  • maintaining active relationships with alumni.

Active search for potential partners and their involvement in the educational process

Thanks to the cooperation with the Regional Development Cluster, students of the Institute of Management participated in the creation of original content for the digitalization of tourist attractions in Slovakia within the profile course Fundamentals of Tourism and Hotel Management. Through the administration of the smart database, students entered information about selected points of interest, the so-called POI (point of interest). In the process, they had the opportunity to gain knowledge about Slovakia's attractions and at the same time work with innovative technologies, databases and mobile applications.

Subscriber: Cluster of Regional Development

Evidence: Digitisation has already penetrated the tourism sector

Students of the Institute of Management participated in the creation of the education game Potulky obce Borský Mikuláš (Wandering through the village of Borský Mikuláš) as part of the profile course Management of animation and leisure activities.

Subscriber: Borský Mikuláš Municipality

Evidence: UCM application

During the Week of Science and Technology (8.11.2021 - 12.11.2021), the Institute of Management actively continued to cooperate with the Slovak Business Agency, which organized through the project of the National Entrepreneurship Centre (NPC) for all first- and second-year students of the Institute an educational course School of Entrepreneurship. Within the framework of this cooperation, workshops were held with students by experts from practice on the following topics: legislation, marketing, design of new products and services, finance. The outcome of the project was not only the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills, but also the obtaining of a certificate of completion of the School of Entrepreneurship, which enhanced the students' CVs.

Evidence: College students get better at creating business plans

Establishing closer cooperation with domestic and foreign academic, research, business and non-profit institutions

Coordination of activities with secondary schools and secondary school students

Deciding on a university and even on a specific study programme is sometimes really difficult, especially when a young person only has to study some descriptions from websites or advertising leaflets. For those students who are looking for further study options and want to make the best possible choice for their future profession, the Institute of Management organises the event College students on exam. During two days, high school students will experience real university life, get to know how lectures are conducted, what all is done in seminars, visit the different areas of the University of St. Cyril and Methodius together with older students (library, student zones, etc.), but most of all, they will get a taste of what it is like to be a university student for a few hours.

Maintaining active relationships with alumni

The first graduates of the Institute of Management participated in the zero edition of the Meet the Institute of Management event in September 2023 on the occasion of World Tourism Day (27th September). Not only did the graduates reminisce with each other and with the faculty about their studies at their alma mater, but they also passed on their experiences and advice to new and younger students of the institute on how to best manage university student life.

Directive on the protection of intellectual property