doc. PhDr. Michal Lukáč, PhD., Ed.D.

Associate Professor, Institute Director


He is the graduate of the Faculty of Mass Media Communication UCM in Trnava where he completed the master and doctoral studies at the study program of Marketing Communication, and received the title of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD.). The scientific and pedagogical title of Associate professor was awarded to him at the Faculty of Management, Comenius University in Bratislava in the field of Management. For a long period of time, he has been devoted to the management and marketing of cultural heritage and cultural tourism also evidenced by his ten-year experience (2004 – 2014) in a Slovak monument where he worked at different positions: lecturer, methodologist, culture promotion manager, and deputy director. Furthermore, in the area of cultural heritage within the scope of Operational Program Employment and Social Inclusion he guaranteed and methodically implemented the educational project named Museums of the Third Generation – Museum Marketing, PR and Communication Module. From the area of cultural tourism he continuously moved to the academic sphere, where he held several positions, namely: deputy head of the department, vice-dean for study affairs and statutory deputy dean, and in the years 2018-2022 he was the vice-rector for education at UCM in Trnava.

From February 1, 2022, he has been working as an associate professor in the study program Management of Tourism and Hospitality at IM UCM in Trnava. His pedagogical activities are focused on the marketing of cultural heritage and guidance activities, his scientific and research activities are presented by various outputs - monographs, university textbooks, scripts), but also in the papers presented at domestic and foreign scientific conferences and in scientific studies published in the internationally recognized scientific journals and databases. At the same time, he actively participates in scientific research projects, namely: KEGA, VEGA, ESIF and also participates in various activities for students. His interest in cultural heritage is combined with the author production of historically tuned theatre performances. For more than fifteen years he has been dedicating his spare time activities to volunteer acting and playing the organ.


  • Associate Professor, Management, Faculty of Management, Comenius University, Bratislava
  • PhD., Marketing Communication, Faculty of Mass Media Communication UCM, Trnava
  • PhDr., Marketing Communication, Faculty of Mass Media Communication UCM, Trnava

Professional focus

  • Heritage marketing
  • Cultural heritage
  • Cultural tourism