Ing. Jana Černá, PhD.

University Associate Professor


She graduated from the University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Economics, where she also received the PhD degree. Since 2009, she worked as an Assistant professor at FMK UCM in Trnava, Department of Marketing Communication. In the scope of pedagogical, scientific and publishing activities, she specializes in the entire spectrum of tourism topics, especially the new trends in tourism, hotel industry and tourism marketing.

In the mentioned areas she carries out also active research; she has solved and managed several international as well as domestic scientific projects (FP6, APVV, VEGA, KEGA, ESF). She publishes at home and abroad, she is the author or co-author of several textbooks and scientific publications in the field of tourism.


  • PhD., Public Administration and Regional Development, University of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Bratislava
  • Ing., Public Administration and Regional Development, University of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Bratislava

Professional focus

  • Tourism
  • New trends in tourism and hotel industry
  • Tourism marketing