doc. Ing. Janka Beresecká, PhD., MSc.

Associate Professor, Coordinator of Science and Knowledge Transfer


She completed her doctoral studies and habilitation proceedings at the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra in the field of Mass Media Studies. Before working outside the academic environment, she gained professional experience and skills in managing public administration entities and research teams at the national and regional levels. She is currently integrating her years of practical experience and acquired empirical knowledge in a holistic approach to teaching in an academic setting.   

In her scientific activities, she considers inter-, multi- and trans-disciplinarity in the tertiary private and public sectors regarding marketing, communication, management and economics, including tourism. She has led KEGA and APVV projects in the academic environment and participated in VEGA, KEGA, APVV, MVTS, and MVP projects. She has attended scientific and lecture stays in Poland and the Czech Republic and provided domestic and foreign invited lectures for the private and public sectors at national and regional levels. She has been working on tourism issues for a long time, which has produced significant outputs. She is the author and co-author of more than 109 scientific publications, including three scientific monographs published in foreign publishing houses, four professional monographs, one textbook, three textbooks, and one author's certificate (AGJ). The publication activity shows more than 81 citations.  

She is a member of the Slovak Academy of Agricultural Sciences, a member of the presidency and a member of the Department of Economics and Management of the SAPV, a holder of the Certificate of Registration of the trademark in the field of tourism, a periodic member of international scientific committees of conferences, a member of the committee for the technical program of the EAI, a member of international scientific boards of journals, an evaluator of KEGA, VEGA projects. She was the chairwoman of the Commission for Scientific and Technical Development of the Slovak Republic "Golden Scythe", a member of the Monitoring Committee for the Rural Development Programme of the Slovak Republic, and president of the International Film Festival "Agrofilm". Among the most critical recognitions are awards from OEaM SAPV, FESRR SPU in Nitra, FPV UKF in Nitra, and the Union of European Academies for Science Applied to Agriculture, Food and Nature (UEAA A).


  • Assoc. Prof., Mass Media Studies, University of Constantine the Philosopher, Nitra
  • PhD., Mass Media Studies, University of Constantine the Philosopher, Nitra
  • Ing., Operation and Economics of Agriculture, University of Agriculture, Nitra

Professional focus

  • Managerial competencies
  • Rural tourism
  • Human resource management