IM Quality Board

Rada Kvality IM UCM

Quality Board of the Institute of Management.

The IM Quality Board is an advisory body to the director of the Institute of Management UCM, which organizes activities in accordance with the UCM Internal Quality Assessment Board requirements, to ensure the implementation and improvement of quality management system via process management at IM UCM level, in compliance with the UCM processes.

The IM Quality Board completes the tasks related to the control and prevention, focused on the quality management system; regularly monitors and evaluates the compliance with policies, processes and quality indicators with the study programs standards, within the relevant field of study in Economics and Management, in accordance with the rules of the authorized organization to issue the certificates of study programs accreditation, at the national and international level, recognized by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic.

The IM Quality Board regularly evaluates:

  1. quality management system at IM UCM via process orientation,
  2. level of the study programs ‘provision and improvement, provided at IM UCM within the field of study Economics and Management,
  3. the level of creative activity of pedagogues working at IM UCM,
  4. the overall level of creative activities for the Institute of Management UCM.

The 6-year period is by the IM UCM Quality Board considered as the regular interval to evaluate the quality management system at IM UCM, where the Evaluation Report is the result of comprehensive evaluation. Every three years, usually, the IM UCM Quality Board evaluates the quality indicators aimed at the study program, where the assessment subject and content of the quality of education and creative activities are:

  1. meeting the standards for the IM UCM quality management system based on the processes synergy,
  2. meeting the standards for the study program provided at IM UCM within the field of the study,
  3. creative activities of pedagogues providing profile subjects, and pedagogues bearing the responsibility for the study program quality and development.

Based on the IM UCM Director´s proposal, the IM UCM Quality Board recommends to approve/approve with comments/disapprove:

  1. study program proposal,
  2. proposal to modify the study program,
  3. proposal to assess the stud program alignment,
  4. proposal to cancel the study program.

The IM UCM Quality Board proposes the IM UCM Director with:

  1. a new study program,
  2. changes in the IM UCM quality management system,
  3. changes in the UCM quality management system,
  4. suggestions to improve the quality in education, evaluation of creative activities and related quality management system applied at UCM,
  5. study program inactivation.

The IM UCM Quality Council prepares documents for the UCM Annual Report regarding the provision, improvement, and fulfilment of quality assessment criteria, in the terms of IM UCM creative activities.

Statute of the Quality Council

Internal members:

  • PhDr. Jaroslava Gburová, PhD. – predsedníčka Rady kvality
  • Ing. Jana Černá, PhD.
  • JUDr. Ing. Tomáš Malatinec, PhD.

Student members:

  • Adela Borčányová
  • Miroslava Jeloková

External members:

  • Mgr. Danka Chválová – Slovak Business Agency, Odborný manažér akceleračného programu pre Trnavský kraj
  • Bc. Erik Dorušinec – absolvent IM UCM

Quality assessment timetable and content plan